Thursday, October 9, 2008

A little update

Gosh, I can't believe it's been a week since I last posted. A lot has happened in the last week.

On Saturday, we loaded down the U-Haul trailer, the husband's truck, and my Durango and headed for Missouri. We made it to the motel around 9pm. It was an uneventful 5 hour trip.

Sunday, we did nothing but lay around watching tv and eating fast food. Yum.

Monday, we rented a storage, returned the trailer, and watched more tv and, you guessed it, ate more fast food. Oh, yum.

Tuesday, we finally ventured out and ended up a half hour away at my in-law's house. Where I stayed just long enough to say hello and take a potty break. Daughter-in-law of the year, here people.

The hubs decided to stay and visit a while so I took the kids and drove another half hour to my sister's hose. My beautiful, skinny, little bitty thing of a sister who offered to keep 2 of my kids for 2 nights. I love her. Really. She informed me that she may be pregnant and will hopefully be giving me a new niece in 8 or 9 months. She already has two sons so a girl is in order.

My mom lives pretty close to my sister and my other 2 kids ended up staying the night with her. Since the hubs' birthday Wednesday, we decided to celebrate early and did we ever. We had a blast driving around looking at houses and eating fast food. Yummy, yum, yum. Blech.

We've had no luck finding a house so far. We've only been looking for 2 weeks so I'm not surprised. I am surprised that we have lasted nearly a week in this motel room and am very happy to say that come Saturday, we will be packing up and staying with my mom until we're able to find our own place. Six people in one room is too much, especially when four of those six are active, rambunctious, children who seem to have forgotten how to speak without yelling or walk without stomping. (sorry people downstairs!)

I enrolled the kids in school where mom lives today. They're supposed to start on Monday. It's the same school I went to in 7th and 8th grade. Cool, huh? The only problem is that the preK program is full. So no school for Kaylee. She's very disappointed. I checked into the head start program, but they said with our income, they doubt she'll get in and if she does, we will have a co-pay. Which is fine. Just please someone, let this child go to school.

I didn't get a chance to post my Homemaker Monday, Classics Book Club, Wordless Wednesday posts this week. I am trying to get my book club post written but the other two will just have to wait till next week. I have a ton of catching up to do all around the blogosphere, including posting on my other blog.

I watched the debate the other night and wow. Just wow. I'm in my 20's and have only voted for president 3 or 4 times and this is the only election I've had to really think about who I'm going to vote for. It's just. Wow.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Funny Photo Friday

Me thinks he has watched his father fishing too many times.

This post is part of Funny Photo Friday, hosted by Blissfully Domestic. Click on over and join in the funny.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Thirsty Thursday: The Hot Toddy

There are several Hot Toddy recipes out there. This is the one I use and by that, I mean I drink 2 or 3 (or more) of these a week in the winter months. It's great for colds and works just as well (if not better) as the coughing, sneezing, stuffy head, fever so you can rest green stuff. And it's a lot less expensive, too.

Next time you're all stuffed up, give this home remedy a try...

The Hot Toddy

  • 2 oz light or dark rum (either will work)
  • 1 & 1/2 tspn sugar OR an ounce of honey
  • 2 whole cloves
  • lemon slice
  • boiling water
  • Add rum, sugar, cloves, and lemon slice to a heat-proof mug. You might want to drop a silver spoon in there to prevent cracking.
  • Fill with boiling water.
  • Stir and Enjoy!
*For a buttered Hot Toddy (my great uncle used to drink these), add 1 tbs of butter just before you pour in the boiling water.

*If you're feeling festive you can stir it with a cinnamon stick.

This is a pretty strong drink, so you might want to use one to one and a half ounces of rum if you need something a little weaker.

This hot toddy will warm your body, clear your head, and put you to sleep for a good long while;. If you drink just the right amount. I encourage much experimentation to find said amount.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Wordless Wednesday


*A big thank you to Uisce for creating Wordless Wednesday and to 5 Minutes for Mom for hosting. Click on over to see more great Wordless Wednesday posts.